Jacques Mairesse (economist)

Jacques Mairesse is a French economist. He is the posthumous son of Jacques Mairesse, an international French association footballer.


Mairesse was director of studies of EHESS from 1978 onwards. He was director of ENSAE from 1980 to 1990. He was general inspector of INSEE from 1988 to 2005. He is a founding member of the Center for research in economics and Statistics, the research centre of INSEE, that was created in 1990. He is a senior researcher of the microeconometric laboratory at CREST and at GRECSTA. He is a research associate of the NBER since 1980. He is professor of applied econometrics of research, innovation and productivity at Maastricht University and professorial fellow of UNU-MERIT since 2005.


Influenced by the pioneering work of Zvi Griliches – with whom he coauthored several papers – on the economics of technological change, economic data issues, errors in variables and panel data, his research has been mainly in the field of production economics and panel data econometrics, focusing on measurement of capital, productivity and technical change issues. He has been engaged in various comparative studies, using firm micro data for France and the U.S. and other countries, in particular to analyze research and development activities and their effects on productivity. His main current topics of interest are in the economics of science, innovation and knowledge, with specific emphasis on performance evaluation at various levels of analysis, and on the interaction of technical change and organizational change.


He has authored and/or edited several books, and published in journals such as American Economic Review, European Economic Review, Journal of Econometrics, and Review of Economics and Statistics, among others. A selection: