Jacob Pardo

Jacob ben David Pardo was an 18th-century rabbi, author and poet.
He served as rabbi at Ragusa and Spalato. He was the author of: "Marpe Lashon", prayers and religious poems for children, printed conjointly with his "Tehillah be-Eretz," poems on the earthquake in Ragusa; "Kehillat Ya'akob", commentary on the Earlier Prophets; "Appe Zutre", to the treatise "Hilkot Ishshut," i.e., precepts for women; "Tokfo shel Nes", introduction to the "Ma'aseh Nissim" of Aaron Cohen Ragusano; "Minchat Aharon", precepts for the religious ritual upon awakening, for the three daily prayers, and moral precepts; "Mishkenot Ya'akob", commentary on Isaiah, published by his son David Samuel.