J. E. Macdonnell

James Edmond Macdonnell was an Australian novelist. The covers of his novels declare him "Australia's leading novelist of the Navy" and "Australia's greatest novelist of the sea".


James Edmond Macdonnell was born in 1917 in Mackay, Queensland and became one of Australia's most prolific writers of paperback novels. As a boy, he became determined to go to sea and read every seafaring book he could find. At age 13, while his family was still asleep, he took his brother's bike and rode some 80 miles from his home town to Brisbane in an attempt to see ships and the sea. Fortunately, he was found and returned to his family. He attended the Toowoomba Grammar School from 1931 to 1932. He served in the Royal Australian Navy for fourteen years, joining at age 17, advancing through all lower deck ranks and reaching the rank of commissioned gunnery officer. He began writing books while still in active service. The publicity biography on the back cover of Command! states that "he began with novels in 1942".
Macdonnell wrote stories for The Bulletin under the pseudonym "Macnell" and from 1948 to 1956 he was a member of The Bulletin staff. His first book, Fleet Destroyer - a collection of stories about life on the small ships - was published by The Book Depot, Melbourne, in 1945. Macdonnell began writing full-time for Horwitz in 1956, writing an average of a dozen books a year.
After leaving the navy, Macdonnell lived in St. Ives, Sydney and pursued his writing career. In 1988, he retired to Buderim on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. He died peacefully in his sleep at a Buderim hospital in 2002. He is survived by his wife Valerie and his children Beth, Jane and Peter.

''The Bulletin''

Macdonnell's work for The Bulletin, using the pseudonym Macnell, includes the following:
Neptune's Feet of ClayVol.70 no.364016 November 194922-23
A Shepherd at SeaVol.70 no.364628 December 19494,20
Standby to Ram!Vol.71 no.369613 December 195034-35,42
The Insubordination of P.O. Brady Vol.71 no.366112 April 19504,20-21
`Old Guns' : His Strange DiseaseVol.71 no.36697 June 195020,22
A Lesson for Two Vol.71 no.368313 September 195021-22
International IncidentVol.72 no.371525 April 195120,22,24,32
The Chook Gets HersVol.72 no.37475 December 195127,39
Borrowed BraidVol.72 no.374812 December 195132-33,36
Target UnidentifiedVol.73 no.376219 March 195216-17
The DrumVol.73 no.37642 April 19524,14-15
Destroyer Operation Vol.73 no.37734 June 19524,14-15
Submarining Off SydneyVol.73 no.37901 October 19524
Pity Requited 1952Vol.73 no.379719 November 195220,22
UntitledVol.74 no.38124 March 1953-
Open SightsVol.74 no.38178 April 195320
What You Learn in the NavyVol.82 no.423222 March 196116


J. E. Macdonnell wrote over 200 novels, in at least 7 different series under several versions of his own name and several pseudonyms:
James Dark was a Horwitz house pseudonym shared by several authors. Some believe that he may have written as James Workman, another Horwitz house pseudonym, as well. Macdonnell's work has been published in at least nine different languages.


Macdonnell's naval stories feature several recurring characters:
Several books follow Jim Brady through the ranks from Able Seaman to Captain.
Recurring characters in other series include Commander Carton, a "tough, enterprising skipper" in the Crime Series, Mark Hood, an international spy, in the International Espionage series and Captain Mettle, V.C. in the three juvenile novels.


Since J. E. Macdonnell wrote so many books, many of which were released numerous times in different guises, in different collections and in various countries, it is difficult to identify every published series but some can be clearly identified:
The Collector's Series, and the Classics Series both comprise 141 books, with 2 differences between them other than the title sequence. The Collector's Series does not contain the book The Captain and the classic series does not contain the book Don't Gimme The Ships. Both of these series comprise books from the original Sea Adventure Series.

The Juvenile Books

Macdonnell wrote three juvenile works about the character Captain Mettle using the pseudonym James Macnell. They were published by Constable and The Children's Press.
He wrote another entitled Colt and Co in the Valley of Gold as J. Macdonnell, which was published by Dent in 1960. This book was described in the wrapper notes as "the first of a new series" but no further titles were forthcoming.
Mettle At Woomera was re-released in paperback as Weapon Raid by Horwitz in 1979, using the name J. E. Macdonnell.
Captain Mettle, V.C.1955
Mettle Dives Deep1956
Mettle At Woomera1957
Colt and Co in the Valley of Gold1960
Weapon Raid1979

The Commander Carton Crime Series

Commander Carton is a retired R.N. captain who finds himself fighting crime.
Commander Carton1960
Alias Carton1961

The Horwitz Naval Series

Published as J. E. Macdonnell.
No.TitleYear No.TitleYear No.TitleYear No.TitleYear
1Standby to Ram195738Broadsides!196275Hell Ship1966112Circle of Fire1970
2Target Unidentified195739Battle Line196276The Convert1966113For Valour1971
3Battle Ensign195840The Long Haul196277Wall of Fire1966114Torrent of Fire1971
4Enemy in Sight195941Away Boarders196278The Unforgiving Sea1967115Guns for God1971
5Command195942The First Lieutenant196279Down the Throat1967116Damn the Torpedoes1971
6Alarm–EBoats!195843UBoat196280Combat Assignment1967117First Command1971
7The Weak Link195944Flotilla Leader196281The Snake Boats1967118Standing into Danger1971
8Presumed Sunk195845Sea Surgeon196282The Misfit1967119Torpedo Junction1971
9Mutiny195846Abandon Ship!196383Behemoth1967120The Worst Enemy1971
10Coffin Island195847Conflict196384Dit Spinner1967121North West by North1971
11Frogman!195848Repel Boarders196385The Power and the Privilege1968122Chain of Violence1972
12Killer Ship195849Not Under Command196386Rat Island1968123Close Up1972
13Night Encounter195850Fire One!196387Petty Officer Brady1968124False Colours1972
14Bilgewater195851Abandon and Destroy196388Valiant Mission1968125The Brave Men1972
15The Secret Weapon195952The Buffer196389Full Fathom Five1968126Point Blank1972
16Target Battleship195953Decision196390Approved to Scrap1968127Most Immediate1972
17Dive! Dive! Dive!195954The Gun196391Attack and be Damned1968128This Ship is Mine1972
18The Surgeon195955The Pawn196492Mission Hopeless1968129The Trap1972
19The Gunner195956Sabotage196493Judas Rat1968130The Verge of Hell1972
20The Captain196057The Betrayal196494High Command1968131Blind into Doom1972
21Brood of the Eagle196058Collision Course196495HunterKiller1968132Fire Storm1973
22The Recommend196059The Big Wind196496White Fury1968133The Iron Claw1973
23The Coxswain196060Killer Group196497The Hammer of God1968134Attack!1973
24The Challenge196061The Mistake196498Headlong into Hell1968135A Council of Captains1974
25Convoy196062Course to Intercept196499Decoyed1968136The Kill1974
26Find And Destroy196063Creeping Attack1964100To the Death1969137Court Martial1975
27Escort Ship196064The Jaws of Hell1965101Execute!1969138Operational Immediate1975
28Don’t Gimme the Ships196065Close and Investigate1965102Strike Force1969139The Dark Of The Night1975
29The Blind Eye196166Under Sealed Orders1965103The Big Hunt1969140Liberty Men1976
30Eagles Over Taranto196167Flashpoint1965104Operation Jackal1969141The Battle for Midway1976
31Fleet Destroyer196168White Death1965105And the Heavens Spoke1969142Big Bill the Bastard1976
32The Rocky196169The Deserter1965106Not Wanted on Voyage1970143Confirmed in Command1976
33The Lesson196170The Duel1965107The Last Stand1970144Standoff1977
34Clear for Action196171Whispering Death1965108Object Destruction1970145The Shadow1977
35Battle Fire196172Point of Departure1966109Battle Hymn1970146Death of a Destroyer1977
36The Ordeal196173Loom of Ice1966110Died Fighting1970147Valiant Occasions1977
37Sainsbury V.C.196274Foul Ground1966111Fog Blind1970

The Classics Series

The classics series is a re-release of most titles from the Horwitz Naval Series. The covers were mainly coloured silver and as a result this series is also known as the silver series.
No.Title No.Title No.Title No.Title
1Stand By To Ram37U-Boat73Wall Of Fire109For Valour
2Target Unidentified38Battle Fire74The Unforgiving Sea110Torrent Of Fire
3Battle Ensign39The Ordeal75Down The Throat111Guns For God
4Enemy In Sight40Sainsbury, V.C.76Combat Assignment112Damn The Torpedoes!
5Command41Broadsides!77The Misfit113Torpedo Junction
6Alarm-E-Boats!42Flotilla Leader78The Snake Boats114First Command
7The Weak Link43Abandon Ship79Attack And Be Damned115Standing Into Danger
8Presumed Sunk44Conflict80Behemoth116The Worst Enemy
9Mutiny45Repel Boarders81Dit Spinner117Northwest By North
10Coffin Island46Not Under Command82Approved To Scrap118Chain Of Violence
11Frogman47Fire One!83The Power & The Privilege119Close Up
12Killer Ship48The Buffer84Rat Island120False Colours
13Night Encounter49Decision85Petty Officer Brady121The Brave Men
14The Secret Weapon50Abandon And Destroy86Valiant Mission122Point Blank
15Target Battleship51The Pawn87Full Fathom Five123Most Immediate
16Dive! Dive! Dive!52The Gun88Mission Hopeless124This Ship Is Mine
17The Surgeon53Sabotage!89Judas Rat125The Trap
18The Gunner54Collision Course90High Command126The Verge Of Hell
19The Captain55The Big Wind91Hunter-Killer127Blind Into Doom
20Brood of the Eagle56Killer Group92White Fury128Fire Storm
21The Recommend57The Mistake93The Hammer Of God129The Iron Claw
22The Coxswain58Course To Intercept94Headlong Into Hell130Attack!
23The Challenge59Creeping Attack95Decoyed131A Council of Captains
24Convoy60The Jaws Of Hell96To The Death132The Kill
25Find And Destroy61Close And Investigate97Execute!133Court Martial
26The Blind Eye62Flashpoint98Strike Force134Big Bill The Bastard
27Eagles Over Taranto63White Death99The Big Hunt135Confirmed In Command
28Escort Ship64The Deserter100Operation Jackal136Operational Immediate
29Fleet Destroyer65The Duel101And The Heavens Spoke137The Dark Of The Night
30The Rocky66Whispering Death102Not Wanted On Voyage138Liberty Men
31The Lesson67Point Of Departure103The Last Stand139The Shadow
32Clear For Action68Loom Of Ice104Object: Destruction140Standoff
33Battle Line69Foul Ground105Battle Hymn141Death Of A Destroyer
34The Long Haul70Under Sealed Orders106Fog Blind
35Away Boarders!71Hell Ship107Died Fighting
36The First Lieutenant72The Convert108Circle Of Fire

The Collector's Series

The collector's series is another re-release of most titles from the Horwitz Naval Series. The covers were mainly coloured gold and as a result this series is also known as the gold series.
No.Title No.Title No.Title No.Title
1Stand By To Ram37Battle Fire73Under Sealed Orders109Guns For God
2Target Unidentified38The Ordeal74Hell Ship110Damn The Torpedoes
3Battle Ensign39Sainsbury, V.C.75The Convert111Torpedo Junction
4Enemy In Sight40Flotilla Leader76Petty Officer Brady112First Command!
5Command41Abandon Ship77Valiant Mission113Standing Into Danger
6Alarm-E-Boats!42Conflict78Down The Throat114The Worst Enemy
7The Weak Link43Repel Boarders79Mission Hopeless115Northwest By North
8Presumed Sunk44Not Under Command80Combat Assignment116Chain Of Violence
9Mutiny45Fire One!81Judas Rat117Close Up
10Target Battleship46The Buffer82High Command118False Colours
11Dive! Dive! Dive!47Decision83Approved To Scrap119The Brave Men
12Coffin Island48Abandon And Destroy84Attack And Be Damned120Point Blank
13Frogman49The Pawn85The Snake Boats121Most Immediate
14Killer Ship50The Gun86Hunter-Killer122This Ship Is Mine
15Night Encounter51Sabotage!87White Fury123The Trap
16The Secret Weapon52Collision Course88Dit Spinner124The Verge Of Hell
17Brood of the Eagle53The Big Wind89The Hammer Of God125Blind Into Doom
18The Surgeon54Killer Group90The Power & the Privilege126Fire Storm
19The Gunner55The Mistake91Headlong Into Hell127The Iron Claw
20The Recommend56Course To Intercept92Full Fathom Five128Attack!
21The Coxswain57Creeping Attack93Not Wanted On Voyage129A Council of Captains
22The Challenge58The Jaws Of Hell94To The Death130The Kill
23Convoy59Close And Investigate95The Last Stand131Court Martial
24Find And Destroy60Flashpoint96Execute!132Operational Immediate
25The Blind Eye61White Death97Object Destruction133Big Bill The Bastard
26Eagles Over Taranto62The Deserter98Strike Force134Confirmed In Command
27Escort Ship63The Misfit99Battle Hymn135The Dark Of The Night
28Fleet Destroyer64The Duel100The Big Hunt136Liberty Men
29The Rocky65Whispering Death101Fog Blind137The Shadow
30The Lesson66Point Of Departure102Operation Jackal138Standoff
31Battle Line67Loom Of Ice103Died Fighting139Death Of A Destroyer
32The Long Haul68Behemoth104And The Heavens Spoke140Wall Of Fire
33Away Boarders!69Foul Ground105Circle Of Fire141Don't Gimme The Ships
34The First Lieutenant70The Unforgiving Sea106Decoyed
35U-Boat71Rat Island107For Valour
36Clear For Action72Broadsides!108Torrent Of Fire

The International Espionage Series

This series was first published in America by Signet under the pseudonym James Dark. It was later published in Australia by Horwitz Publications as J. E. Macdonnell and some titles were changed. Additional titles were used for some non-English language versions, as well. The year shown reflects the original American year of publication. Australian titles are shown only where they differ.
No.American TitleYearAustralian Title
JD1Come Die With Me1965
JD2The Bamboo Bomb1965
JD3Hong Kong Incident1966Assignment: Hong Kong
JD4Assignment Tokyo1966Operation MissSat
JD5Spy from the Deep1966
JD6Operation Scuba1967Caribbean Striker
JD7Throne of Satan1967Black Napoleon
JD8The Sword of Genghis Khan1967
JD9Spying Blind1968
JD10Operation Octopus1968
JD11Operation Ice Cap1969
JD12The Invisibles1969
JD13Sea Scrape1970The Reluctant Assassin

The Medical Series

This series was published by Horwitz Publications under the name J. E. Macdonnell. At least some titles were published as part of the J. E. Macdonnell Series, along with other Macdonnell titles. They were also released as a separate series numbered MS1 - MS12. At least two titles were published under the pseudonym Kerry Mitchell. Macdonnell may have written other medical romance novels released by Horwitz under the name Kerry Mitchell, as well. The back cover of one edition says of Macdonnell, in part, "...In researching for this series of medical novels, he has witnessed more than fifty major surgical operations - and only fainted once...!"
MS1A Pair of Hands1960
MS2The Scalpel1961
MS3Flight 4251961
MS4The Doctor’s Challenge1961
MS5Outback Emergency1962
MS6Doctor on Approval1962
MS7Wrong Diagnosis1962
MS8Doctor Defiant1962
MS9Sea Surgeon1963
MS10The Doctor’s Experiment1963
MS11Doctor on Test1963
MS12The Doctor’s Mistake1967