Ivri Lider vs. Henree – Fight

Ivri Lider vs. HenreeFight is an 8-song CD released in 2005. It was part a bonus CD included with Ivri Lider's CD "It's Not The Same." The CD has since become available for individual distribution through music download mediums, such as Amazon and iTunes; as well as an option for hard copy purchase.

Track listing

  1. "Fight"
  2. "Meri Lanetzach"
  3. "Al Kav Ha'mayim"
  4. "Bechultzat Pasim"
  5. "Zman"
  6. "Bo"
  7. "Meri Lanetzach "
  8. "Kach Bara Otcha Ha'teva" (Nature Made You Like This / That's How Nature Created You