Ivo Ringe

Ivo Ringe is a German artist, who is classified as a Concrete art painter. He is also a docent and a curator of international Group exhibitions.

Life and work

In 1972 Ringe began studying sculpture at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf under the instruction of professor Joseph Beuys. Ringe belongs to the Minimal Art tendency of Beuys-students such as Imi Knoebel and Blinky Palermo. In 1974 he modified the focus of this study and became scholar of professor Rolf Sackenheim and devoted himself to the study of graphic arts. In 1977 he was awarded "Master scholar" by Rolf Sackenheim. Since 2008, he has been a lecturer in the fields of drawing and illustration technique at the school of design "Ecosign", founded by Karin-Simone Fuhs. Since 2011 he is docent and since 2014 head of the studio for fine arts at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Ringe lives and works in Cologne, Germany. He is a member of the Deutscher Künstlerbund Ringe is married to the US-American sculptor Heather Sheehan.


In 2014 Ivo Ringe curated together with Viola Weigel the group exhibition "Strukturen/Structures: British and German Painting in Dialogue", which was shown successively at the Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven and at the Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange. Eight British and German artists, whose abstract works are characterized by structures, showed their works.. The artists in the exhibition were selected by Ringe, who also had considered the concept of the exhibition. Also in 2014 Ivo Ringe curated together with Joe Barnes and Po Kim the group exhibition Painting Black for the Sylvia Wald and Po Kim-Art Gallery in New York with more than 30 artists from different countries.
A group exhibition entitled Restructured took place at the Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange from July 18 to October 8, 2016, with artists from the first exhibition in 2014 and newcomers exhibiting their work. The artists were selected by Ivo Ringe.From 18 July to 6 August, many of the artists worked on site in a residency programme. Visitors were able to visit them in the studio and follow live how the works were created. Parallel to this, lectures and seminars by the artists took place. Blair Todd, the museum's curator, mentioned in a video interview that it was largely thanks to Ivo Ringe's "energy and passion" that this Artist-in-residence took place. James Green, the director, explains in the same video that the museum is not only interested in exhibiting current positions in abstract art, but above all in creating a "creative experimental space", in which artists can inspire each other. From February 10 to 24, 2018, another Artist in Residency on the theme of Structures took place in Penzance, again the artists were selected by Ivo Ringe.
As a result of the exhibition Painting Black in New York in 2014, Ivo Ringe was invited by the Art collector Carl-Jürgen Schroth in Soest to organize an exhibition on this subject in the "Sammlung Schroth" at the Museum Wilhelm Morgner. 42 international artists from various countries showed their black works.
