Ithaca High School (Michigan)

Ithaca High School is a public high school located in Ithaca, Michigan, United States in central Gratiot County. Serving grades 7-12, it is part of the Ithaca Public Schools system and a member of the Tri-Valley West Athletic Conference.


The demographic breakdown of the 624 students enrolled in 2013-14 was:
32.9% of the students were eligible for free or reduced lunch.


Ithaca High School is accredited by the North Central Association. Advanced Placement courses are offered in physics, biology, statistics, U.S. and world history and English literature. Additional AP courses are available online through Michigan Virtual High School


Ithaca is a member of the Tri-Valley West Athletic Conference, after leaving the Central State Activities Association prior to the 2006-07 school year.
Ithaca participates in the following sports:
Ithaca's football team had a 69-game winning streak from 2010 to 2014.

Notable alumni