Ita Egbe

Ita Egbe is a village located in Ipokia Local Government Area of Ogun State with the population of 1776 as of 1963 according to the Nigeria Population Census, it is noted for its extensive agricultural activities around the area and by being one of the largest palm oil producers in Ipokia Local Government of Ogun state.

Postal code

Ita Egbe postal code is 111103



Every family at Ita Egbe eats either Tuwo that is made with corn flour or Ẹ̀kọ mostly referred to as pap with a delicious soup everyday and this is linked to the fact that they produce tonnes of corn every year.
Other cuisine are:
The main occupation of Ita Egbe is agriculture. Both male and female workers are involved in one or another aspect of agriculture.
Other occupations include:
Being one of the villages near Nigeria/Benin border, some of the villagers smuggles rice, cooking oil, turkey, chicken and petrol among others
