Islamic Finance House

Islamic Finance House is a subsidiary under Finance House PJSC incorporated in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates.
Established on the 19th of March 2008 as a private Joint Stock Company, Islamic Finance House is licensed and regulated by the UAE Central Bank.
With a focus on Islamic Finance, Islamic Finance House offers a range of Sharia compliant financial products and services that cater to both, individuals and corporations.


IFH’s service offerings are grouped into the following categories:

Corporate deposits

Includes time and wakala investment deposits, short term investment accounts and current accounts.

Corporate & commercial finance

Encompass vehicle and project/contract financing, labor guarantees, corporate covered cards, Islamic covered drawing, commodity murabaha, lease finance and trade finance.

Personal finance

Entails Islamic covered cards, personal finance facilities and auto financing solutions.

[SME finance]

Provides a range of specifically tailored Sharia-compliant solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises.


Financing and investment structures that include a combination of equity and multiple tiers of debt.

Board of directors

Composed of Islamic scholars and industry experts, Islamic Finance House’s sharia supervisory board has the following three executive members: