Islamabad Bar Council

The Islamabad Bar Council is a statutory & deliberative assembly of lawyers in Islamabad Capital Territory for safeguarding the rights, interests and privileges of practicing lawyers, within Islamabad Capital Territory of Pakistan. The Council also regulates the conduct of lawyers and helps in the administration of justice. It has been constituted in 2014 after addition of Section 3 into the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 and became functional on 23 May 2015 after its first election. All advocates practicing in any court or tribunal in Islamabad, except the Supreme Court are licensed and regulated by the Council. Advocates licensed and regulated by other provincial bar councils can also practice in Islamabad.


The Islamabad Bar Council consists of Vice Chairman and Chairman Executive Committee, both elected by members of Islamabad Bar Council each year. Members of Islamabad Bar Council are elected by the advocates from different constituencies across the Islamabad Capital Territory. Members serve a term of five years, beginning on January 1, with elections held each November to fill seats of those whose terms will expire in the following January. The Council became functional after its first election was held on 2 May 2015 after its formation in 2014.
The Advocate General of the Islamabad Capital Territory, acts as ex officio Chairman of the Islamabad Bar Council. Advocate General does not exercise the powers which other elected members of the Council can with in.

Electoral Officers