
The Iskra 1030 was an Intel 8086 compatible personal computer produced in the USSR. It was designed by Elektronmash in Leningrad. The main manufacturers were the Iskra factory in Smolensk and the Shchyotmash factory in Kursk. The model line consisted of Iskra 1030.11, Iskra 1030М, Iskra 1031, and Iskra 3104.


The Iskra 1030M produced from 1989 comprised:
The computer was shipped with ADOS, a Russian version of MS-DOS/PC DOS 2.x and 3.x, a BASIC interpreter, the special language and interpreter for accounting calculations YAMB, the text editor R1. The operating system used the main code page, hardwired into the display ROM; it was compatible neither with CP 866 nor CP 855, although partially with ISO/IEC 8859-5.