Isdell River

Isdell River is a river in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, named in 1898 by explorer Frank Hann after James Isdell, who was prominent in the region and later served as a member of parliament.
The river rises in the Packhorse Range and flows in a south- westerly direction until it reaches Isdell Gorge at the foot of the Wunaamin Miliwundi Range where it changes to a north-westerly direction before discharging into the eastern end of Walcott Inlet.
The river has eleven tributaries including; Sprigg River, Woolybutt Creek, Cadjuput Creek, Woomera Creek and Tulmulnga Creek.
The traditional owners are the Wangina Wunggurr Willingin people who maintain a strong connection to the river despite disruptions by pastoral activities.