Iris Chung

Iris Chung, formerly known as Zhong Yonghui, is a model who was born in British Hong Kong. Chung was born in Dafu's House. She was a designer of Sanrio and one of the Chen Jing's sisters. Due to the same shape as He Chaolian and full body, she was dubbed E Chaolian and Reprint Chaolian as soon as he debuted.

Entertainment career

Iris was the only Hong Kong representative selected for the Tokyo :jp:Girls Award|Girls Award in May 2012, she has also begun her acting career as the first supporting actress in the movie Mr. & Mrs. Player.
Iris was one of the leading actress of the movie Flirting in the Air.


2012True Love of May FlowerShanghai Commercial
2013Girls Apartment 2013One of the leading actress

2017:zh:賭城群英會|Bet Hur


2011What's Upwith Monna Lam
2012Iris Chung Sexy Icon 2012
