Invincible Criminal

Invincible Criminal is an album by Mark Mallman.

Track listing

  1. Eternal Moonshine
  2. You're Never Alone in New York
  3. Before the Music's Over
  4. White Leather Days
  5. Don't Spill The Bottle
  6. Mercy Calls
  7. Light the Dynamite and Run
  8. Can't Count to One
  9. Put Your Collar Up
  10. In These Times of Harsh Economy
  11. If We Only Kept Getting Young
  12. Invincible Criminal


Piano/keyboards: Mark Mallman

Bass: Mike Geronsin

Drums: Sean Hoffman ; Peter Anderson ; Aaron Lemay

Violin: Shannon Frid

Guitar: Mike Geronsin ; Troy Schaefer ; Joe Werner

Saxophone: Paul Daughtery

Additional vocals: Lila Mallman ; Craig Finn ; Shanon Frid

Additional engineering: Dave Russ, Peter Anderson

Additional vocal tracking: Dustin "Dusty" Miller

Artwork: Stephen Somers

Mastering: Dave Gardner, Magneto Mastering