International Short Stories

International Short Stories is a three-volume anthology of outstanding English, American, and French short stories and novellae of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. It was published by P.F. Collier & Son in 1910. The first volume features celebrated short fiction from the United States, the second volume of England, and the third of France. The three-volume series was compiled by Frances J. Reynolds, and edited by William Patten.


Volume I: American

  1. "The Prophetic Pictures" by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  2. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving
  3. "The Gold-Bug" by Edgar Allan Poe
  4. "Corporal Flint's Murder" by James Fenimore Cooper
  5. "Uncle Jim and Uncle Billy" by Bret Harte
  6. "The Notary of Perigueux" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  7. "The Widow's Cruise" by Frank R. Stockton
  8. "The Count and the Wedding Guest" by O. Henry
  9. "Miss Tooker's Wedding Gift" by John Kendrick Bangs
  10. "The Fable of the Two Mandolin Players and the Willing Performer" by George Ade
  11. "The Fable of the Preacher Who Flew His Kite, But Not Because He Wished to Do So" by George Ade
  12. "The Shadows on the Wall" by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
  13. "Major Perdue's Bargain" by Joel Chandler Harris
  14. "A Kentucky Cinderella" by Francis Hopkinson Smith
  15. "By the Waters of Paradise" by Francis Marion Crawford
  16. "A Memorable Night" by Anna Katharine Green
  17. "The Man from Red Dog" by Alfred Henry Lewis
  18. "Jean Michaud's Little Ship" by Charles G.D. Roberts
  19. "Those Old Lunes!" by William Gilmore Simms
  20. "The Chiropodist" by Bayard Taylor
  21. "Mr. Dooley on Corporal Punishment" by Finley Peter Dunne
  22. "Over a Wood Fire" by Ik Marvel

    Volume II: English

  23. "The Two Drovers" by Sir Walter Scott
  24. "Mr. Deuceace" by William Makepeace Thackeray
  25. "The Brothers" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  26. "Doctor Manette's Manuscript" by Charles Dickens
  27. "The Caldron of Oil" by Wilkie Collins
  28. "The Burial of the Tithe" by Samuel Lover
  29. "The Knightsbridge Mystery" by Charles Reade
  30. "The Courting of Dinah Shadd" by Rudyard Kipling
  31. "The Sire de Maletroit's Door" by Robert Louis Stevenson
  32. "The Secret of Goresthorpe Grange" by Arthur Conan Doyle
  33. "A Change of Treatment" by W. W. Jacobs
  34. "The Stickit Minister" by Samuel Rutherford Crockett
  35. "The Lammas Preaching" by Samuel Rutherford Crockett
  36. "An Undergraduate's Aunt" by F. Anstey
  37. "The Silhouettes" by Arthur Quiller-Couch
  38. "My Brother Henry" by J. M. Barrie
  39. "Gilray's Flower Pot" by J. M. Barrie
  40. "Mr. O'Leary's Second Love" by Charles Lever
  41. "The Indifference of the Miller of Hofbau" by Anthony Hope Hawkins
  42. "The Stolen Body" by H. G. Wells
  43. "The Lazarette of the 'Huntress'" by William Clark Russell
  44. "The Great Triangular Duel" by Frederick Marryat
  45. "Three Thimbles and a Pea" by George Borrow

    Volume III: French

  46. "A Piece of Bread" by François Coppée
  47. "The Elixir of Life" by Honoré de Balzac
  48. "The Age for Love" by Paul Bourget
  49. "Mateo Falcone" by Prosper Mérimée
  50. "The Mirror" by Catulle Mendès
  51. "My Nephew Joseph" by Ludovic Halévy
  52. "A Forest Betrothal" by Erckmann-Chatrian
  53. Zadig the Babylonian by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire
  54. "Abandoned" by Guy de Maupassant
  55. "The Guilty Secret" by Charles Paul de Kock
  56. "Jean Monette" by Eugène François Vidocq
  57. "Solange" by Alexandre Dumas
  58. "The Birds in the Letter-box" by René Bazin
  59. "Jean Gourdon's Four Days" by Émile Zola
  60. "Baron de Trenck" by Antoinette Henriette Clémence Robert
  61. "The Passage of the Red Sea" by Henry Murger
  62. "The Woman and the Cat" by Marcel Prévost
  63. "Gil Blas and Dr. Sangrado" by Alain-René Lesage
  64. "A Fight with a Cannon" by Victor Hugo
  65. "Tonton" by Adolphe Chenevière
  66. "The Last Lesson" by Alphonse Daudet
  67. "Croisilles" by Alfred de Musset
  68. "The Vase of Clay" by Jean Aicard

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