International Sex Worker Foundation for Art, Culture and Education

The International Sex Worker Foundation for Art, Culture and Education is a California corporation formed as an art and education and resource center for research about prostitution and sex work and for the collection and preservation of art by and about sex workers.


Its founder and president, Norma Jean Almodovar, is a former LAPD traffic officer and is also the executive director of COYOTE LA, the Los Angeles chapter of COYOTE. ISWFACE runs the Dumas Brothel Museum in MontanaISWFACE is a nonprofit organization that runs off of donations and sale of the products being created. They want to positively affect the lives of sex workers and to encourage their artistic work. ISWFACE is a public benefit corporation organized under the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public and charitable purposes that is dedicated to offering funding to individuals who have experience with being a sex worker and consider themselves artists.


The organization wants to allow them to create and show their work such as:
The courses the ICWFACE provides interactive educational courses online that include: