International Numismatic Congress

The International Numismatic Congress is the largest international conference for numismatists. It is organised every six years by the International Numismatic Council. Since the 7th INC in Copenhagen, the conference has also marked the launch of the Survey of Numismatic Literature, in which specialist numismatists review research and publications since the previous Congress. A special medal is created for each Congress. The Congress has, from the 6th INC in Rome forward, met at six-year intervals with the only slight disturbance being that the 10th INC in London convened seven years after the previous Congress and saw a slightly shortened span of five years following the London INC.


The Surveys are compiled by subject specialists, which are then edited by a senior numismatist, and published in the "International Association of Professional Numismatists Special Publication" series, usually in the location of the relevant congress.