Institute for Small and Medium Industry of the Generalitat Valenciana

The Institute for Small and Medium Industry of the Generalitat Valenciana is a public body of the Generalitat Valenciana established by the law of the Generalitat Valenciana 2 / 84 and attached to the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce.
From the moment of its founding in 1984, is dedicated to promoting policies to promote innovation and to offer support to the small and medium enterprises industrial Valencia.
This provides support a non-profit companies and organizations that work with the SMEs in different areas such as technology and I + D, quality and environment, training and technological cooperation or development and enterprise.

Objectives and Functions IMPIVA

  1. Technological Institutes: specialized in the different industry sectors Valencia, Valencian SMEs offer a range of advanced technological services, as well as a line of research, development and innovation to improve competitiveness.
  2. Innovative European Business Centre and European Regional Development Fund, as set out in the Operational Programme of the Community Valencia 2007-2013.