Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique

The Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique, French for the "Computer Science Institute for the Francophonie", is a graduate school in computer science in Vietnam.
It was created and funded by the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie in 1995 following a request from the Vietnamese government for the training of high-level Vietnamese engineers and college professors in computer science. The countries and regions funding the project are Wallonia, Belgium; Québec, Canada; France; French-speaking Switzerland; and Luxembourg.
IFI recruits its students in Vietnam and other French-speaking countries. Professors at the member universities of the AUF come to IFI to give lectures. All courses are conducted in French.
Usually, the final internship then takes place abroad in industries, universities or research laboratories. Research internships are often used as a bridge toward a PhD. Industrial internships are taken by those who seek the profile of a project leader in software development.
IFI is considered as one of the best graduate schools in computer science in Vietnam. About one third of its students continue their PhD in foreign universities; many become professors or founders of software companies in Vietnam.