
Innovis is a provider of consumer data solutions and is considered a CRA in the United States, the others being Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, PRBC, SageStream, and ARS. As of 2013 most sources of information about consumer credit repair seldom mention either Innovis or PRBC, a fifth agency.
Innovis is a subsidiary of CBC Companies, but companies that report debt activity, such as Verizon, refer to the company by the name "Innovis", or simply state that they report to "all four credit agencies".

Company history

Innovis began as ACB Services, founded by Associated Credit Bureaus in 1970.
In 1989, ACB Services was purchased and renamed Consumers Credit Associates. First Data Corporation purchased CCA and renamed it Innovis, Inc. in 1997. Most recently, CBC Companies purchased Innovis, Inc. in 1999.
