Innocent (2011 film)

Innocent is a 2011 television drama film directed by Mike Robe, starring Alfred Molina, Bill Pullman, and Marcia Gay Harden, based on Scott Turow's 2010 novel, a sequel to Presumed Innocent. In the film, Judge Rusty Sabich is charged with the murder of his wife Barbara twenty years after being cleared in the death of his mistress. Robe previously directed The Burden of Proof, another sequel to Presumed Innocent, but which focused on the character Sandy Stern.
Alan J. Pakula directed the film based on Turow's first novel, Presumed Innocent, a 1990 box office hit that starred Harrison Ford, Brian Dennehy, Raul Julia and Greta Scacchi.

Plot summary

Bill Pullman plays Judge Rusty Sabich, who is romantically involved with a colleague and on trial for murder: This time he is accused of killing his wife, Barbara. His accuser is his old nemesis Tommy Molto, while his longtime friend and lawyer, Sandy Stern, is in charge of the defense.
