Induratana Paribatra

Induratana Paribatra. She is the eldest daughter of Paribatra Sukhumbandhu, Prince of Nakhon Sawan and Sombandh Paribatra na Ayudhaya. She was titled Her Highness in King Prajadhipok, Rama VII, but Induratana relinquished her royal titles to marry Somwang Sarasas and had three children. As of 2020, she was the last granddaughter of King Chulalongkorn who alive.


Princess Induratana was the 9th child of Paribatra Sukhumbandhu, Prince of Nakhon Sawan and the 1st of Sombandh Paribatra na Ayudhaya. She had 1 younger brother Prince Sukhumabhinanda, as well as an older half-brother and sister. She was titled Her Highness in the reign of King Prajadhipok, Rama VII.


Induratana relinquished her royal titles to marry Somwang Sarasas on February 4, 1953. Somwang Sarasas is the older brother of Ngarmchit Purachatra na Ayudhaya. She and Sarasas have three children. Later, both divorced.
  1. Thoranin Sarasas married Sunittra Rueangsomwong
  2. Sinnapa Sarasas married Anan Taratai
  3. Santi Sarasas
