
The Indigetes were an ancient Iberian people of the eastern side of the Iberian peninsula. They are believed to have spoken the Iberian language.
They occupied the far north east area of the Iberian Peninsula known as Hispania Tarraconensis, in the gulf of Empúries and Rhoda, stretching up into the Pyrenees though the regions of Empordà, Selva and perhaps as far as Gironès, where the Ausetani could be found who were related ethnically.
They were divided into four tribes, and the main towns they centered on were: Indika, Empodrae, Rhoda, Juncaria, Cinniana and Deciana. This land was watered by the Clodianus, the Sambrocas and the Tichis. This district in the Gulf of Empúrias was known as Juncaris Campus.
The Indigetes minted their own coins which bore the inscription undikesken in northeastern Iberian script that is interpreted in Iberian language as a self-reference to the ethnic name of that people: from the Indigetes or from those of undika.
In 218 BC they were conquered by Rome during the Roman conquest of Hispania. In 195 BC they rebelled; the consul Marcus Porcius Cato quashed the rebellion.
The main archaeological sites for the Indigetes are in Ullastret, Castell de la Fosca and Puig Castellet.
