Independent Age

Independent Age is an older peoples' charity based in the UK. It has offices in London, Newcastle and Glasgow, and staff and volunteers based in a number of other UK locations. It is a registered charity in England & Wales and in Scotland. The charity was formerly known as the Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association. In 2005, the charity re-branded and became known as Independent Age.


The charity began when six people set up a voluntary society, The United Kingdom Beneficent Association, to aid the newly poor in 1863. Their goal was to prevent destitution by providing those in poverty with a small, regular income for life. Applicants were required to be over 40, living on less than £25 a year and from the 'upper and middle classes'. These original founders were Sir William Thomas Charley and his brother-in-law, Captain William Mackenzie, Captain James Story, Reverend William Cardall, Reverend Walter Howse, and Reverend William Windle.
The UKBA was incorporated under the Royal Charter in 1911, and renamed The Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association. It was rebranded as Independent Age in 2005, merging with Counsel and Care and Universal Beneficent Society in October 2011. It is still registered under its original name with the Charity Commission.

Charitable work

The charity's information and advice services cover subjects such as care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility. Volunteers make regular telephone calls or visits so that older people have someone to talk to regularly. More specialist roles involve helping people through a difficult time, helping older people become more involved in their communities, and local outreach. Other volunteer roles involve organising or training other volunteers, helping with local administrative tasks, and a range of other functions.