Incredible Crew

Incredible Crew is an American sketch comedy television series, created by Nick Cannon for Cartoon Network. Cannon created the series in early 2012, and the series aired from January 24 to April 11, 2013, featuring a 22-minute run time.


Incredible Crew is a live-action sketch comedy series from producer and entertainer Nick Cannon. Episodes consist of short-form surreal comedy acts, hidden camera pranks, original music videos, and commercial parodies using non-sequitur humor. Incredible Crew casts six young comedy stars: Shauna Case, Shameik Moore, Tristan Pasterick, Chanelle Peloso, Jeremy Shada, and Brandon Soo Hoo. Nick Cannon serves as executive producer of Incredible Crew along with Michael Goldman and Scott Tomlinson. Cartoon Network Studios produced the series in association with N'Credible Entertainment.


According to Michael Goldman and Scott Tomlinson, over 330 sketches were created and carefully selected for each episode.


Principal cast

Pilot (2011)

Season 1 (2013)


Emily Ashby from gave the show 3 stars and said that "Nick Cannon's mild sketch comedy will entertain kids," and that it "makes the most of clever writing and a well-rounded cast." However the show was met with mostly negative reviews. IMDb currently holds a rating of 3.8/10.



In conjunction with the show's music, WaterTower Music released two soundtrack albums based on the first season of the show. The first album, Incredible Crew: Music From the Television Show , was released on March 5, 2013, and the second, Incredible Crew: Music From the Television Show , was released on April 23, 2013. Both soundtracks were available to download via iTunes. The show's music was composed by Nick Cannon and Kevin Writer.

Track listing for Volume 1

Track listing for Volume 2


On July 29, 2013, the series was cancelled after one season.