Imposters (TV series)

Imposters is an American dark comedy television series. The show premiered February 7, 2017, on the Bravo cable network with a 10-episode season. Announced in April 2015 as My So Called Wife, series follows con artist Maddie, played by Inbar Lavi, who gets involved in relationships with men and women before leaving them "used and robbed of everything including their hearts". On April 17, 2017, Bravo renewed the series for a second season, which premiered on April 5, 2018. On June 1, 2018, Bravo canceled the series after two seasons.


Maddie Jonson is a con artist who works with Max and Sally at the behest of a mysterious figure called "The Doctor" who has teams of con artists working for him in multiple cities. Their method of operation is to make their targets fall in love with Maddie while ingraining themselves into their lives, and then steal all their valuables shortly after marrying them. After Ezra Bloom becomes the latest victim of their con, he is visited by Richard Evans, one of Maddie's previous targets, who is looking for her. Together they find Jules Langmore, an artist, who also was married to Maddie. The three decide to team up and look for Maddie, who is currently trying to con an undercover FBI agent, Patrick Campbell, and get their money back.



Season 1 (2017)

Season 2 (2018)


Critical response

The show has received largely positive reviews. On the site Metacritic, it received a score of 70, indicating "generally favorable reviews". On Rotten Tomatoes, the show is rated 100% fresh, with the site's consensus reading, "Imposters meshes slapstick comedy, top-notch writing, unexpected twists, and a noteworthy lead performance, with satisfying -- and surprisingly ambitious -- results".


Season 1

Season 2