Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation

The Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation is an Iranian charitable organization, founded in March 1979 to provide support for poor families. The aim is to help such families regain financial stability. IKRF has also provided support outside Iran, including in Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Palestine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Chechnya, the Comoros, Iraq, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Syria, and Lebanon.
IKRF provides multiple forms of support to individuals and families., a total of 8.6 million needy people have received aid from IKRF. 698 thousand families were covered in the Rajaei plan, which provides social security coverage for senior villagers and nomads without insurance. 1.5 million people below the poverty line received free insurance from IKRF and 843 thousand students received assistance for education.


The history of such committees goes back to 1964, 15 years before Iran's revolution. At that time, the objective of the smaller committee was to support the families of political prisoners.