Ilam (New Zealand electorate)

Ilam is a New Zealand parliamentary electorate. Formed for the, it has always been held by Gerry Brownlee of the National Party.

Population centres

Encompassing many of Christchurch's most affluent suburbs, Ilam is considered a safe National seat. The electorate includes the suburbs of Riccarton, Upper Riccarton, Fendalton, Burnside, Avonhead, Merivale, Bishopdale, Ilam, Russley and Bryndwr. In 2008, the boundaries were Deans Avenue, the Avon River, Bealey Avenue, Papanui Road, Harewood Road, Russley Road, Ansonby Street, Cutts Road, Yaldhurst Road and Riccarton Road. The 2013/14 redistribution did not alter the boundaries of the Ilam electorate. The 2020 redistribution, however, added Avonhead from and a large section of around McLeans Island and Christchurch Airport.


The Ilam electorate was formed for the, mostly evolving from the electorate. Gerry Brownlee from the National Party was the first elected representative and has held the electorate ever since. In the, Brownlee was unsuccessfully challenged by Labour's James Dann.

Members of Parliament

Unless otherwise stated, all MPs terms began and ended at a general election.

List MPs

Members of Parliament elected from party lists in elections where that person also unsuccessfully contested the Ilam electorate. Unless otherwise stated, all MPs terms began and ended at general elections.

Election results

2017 election

2014 election

2011 election

2008 election

2005 election

2002 election

1999 election

1996 election