Ihor Babii

Ihor Babii is a public figure, art patron, art-manager and artist.


Born in Bershad, Vinnytsia Oblast. He studied at Bershad secondary school No. 1, :uk:Бершадський медичний коледж|Bershad Medical College ; graduated from :uk:Вінницький національний медичний університет ім. М. І. Пирогова|M.I. Pirogov Vinnitsia National Medical University, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the :uk:Європейський університет|European University of Finances, Information Systems, Management and Business, the National Academy of Government Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts.
Awarded the Order of Saint Michael the Archangel "for his services to Ukraine, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, for his great contribution to the establishment and development of the Ukrainian state". The Certificate of Honor from the :uk:Державний комітет України з питань регуляторної політики та підприємництва|State Committee of Ukraine for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.


The :uk:Головний військовий клінічний госпіталь |Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Jasper advertising agency, Sanbyuleten Zdorove Suspilstvo, the Association of Public Service Announcement Customers and Producers in Ukraine, FotoPartner studio, artist VarrIng.


Public service announcement

He is the author of the idea and co-founder of the Association of Public Service Announcement Customers and Producers in Ukraine. Initially, as the owner of Jasper advertising agency, later as the chairman of the board of the Association, I. Babii organized a number of national social campaigns. Among them are the following: "Cancer is curable. Make no delay!", "Self-caring can save your life", "Sober life is better", "Hypertension prevention and control is the key to the nation's health", "Changing diabetes together". Health care departments of oblast and city administrations, institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, medical organizations and enterprises are involved in the cooperation.
Organized and financed the placement of public service announcement on billboards and city-lights in oblast centers of Ukraine, on the subways of Kyiv and Kharkiv, on passenger and commuter trains of the Ukrainian Railways.

Healthcare services

Initiated the revival of overall informing on health preservation measures in Ukraine. In 2003, he founded and acted as the patron of the bulletin-board newspaper for medical institutions of Ukraine – Sanbyuleten Zdorove Suspilstvo. The publication is approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, and supported by oblast and city state administrations, and main external specialists of the Ministry of Healthcare. There is a national network for the placement of bulletin-board newspapers, covering all oblast centers. Jasper advertising agency, headed by I. Babii, is the national operator for the placement of the Sanbyuleten in medical institutions of Ukraine. More than 50 thematic issues of the Sanbyuleten were placed free of charge in 344 polyclinics for adults, 244 children's polyclinics, 174 women's health clinics, 71 maternity hospitals.
For the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, I. Babii prepared a version of the draft law of Ukraine "On public service announcement" ; he actively participated in the development of healthcare draft laws and regulations. He is a member of the Expert Council of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Interfractional Deputy Group of the Verkhovna Rada, "For spirituality, morality and health of Ukraine", the Public Council of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, the Public Council of the :uk:Державна санітарно-епідеміологічна служба України|State Sanitary Epidemiological Service of Ukraine, the Public Council of the Kyiv City State Administration.


Works under the alias of VarrIng. His activity started with the creation of photo projects. The peculiar thing about him is that he creates thematic collections, and carefully selects meaningful photographic images that represent the idea of the collection. He always strives to create a new theme, idea, motive, which enables him to be original in his vision of a creative concept and its realization. He was the only author in Ukraine to introduce rigorous cataloguing of his own work. I. Babii created his own system of collections titles, which records the sequential number, the publication year of the collection and the number of photographs in its composition. Generally, the number of prints is limited; they are printed and finalized according to the rules of the conservation and museum standards.
Represented Ukraine at the :uk:Український культурний осередок імені Василя Сліпака|Ukrainian Culture and Information Center at the :uk:Посольство України у Франції|Embassy of Ukraine in France with a solo exhibition "Fire embodied". He was an honorary guest of Four Elements International Exhibition, with the participation of Ukrainian, French, Belgian and Canadian artists, held on the French Riviera with the support of :fr:Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain|Musée d'Art moderne et d'Art contemporain de Nice; represented Ukraine at Blue Abyss International Exhibition.
Participated in inter-museum projects and collective exhibitions in Kyiv, Berlin, Nice. In particular, at the Ukrainian House, the Checkpoint Charlie Museum, the :uk:Національний музей «Київська картинна галерея»|Kyiv Art Gallery, the business center of Nice Côte d'Azur Airport, the Kyiv Fortress, Ivan Honchar Museum.
The artist participated in national and international exhibitions in Ukraine, including the III International Photo Salon "Panorama of my country", the VII Festival of Photo Clubs of Ukraine, Kyiv Photo Week, Kyiv Art Week.
Awarded the silver medal of the :uk:Національна спілка фотохудожників України|National Union of Photo Artists of Ukraine at the VIII International Photo Salon "Planet of children". He is the winner of Renovation 2019.
Since 2014, he has been promoting and providing training in Ukraine for photo printing and finalizing according to the conservation and museum standards. Since 2019, he has been teaching interior photography design.
2 book publications are devoted to I. Babii's creativity. His works are kept in the National Historic and Architectural Museum "Kyiv Fortress" funds, the Checkpoint Charlie Museum funds, as well as in private collections in Ukraine, Canada, and France.

Art production management

Organized and sponsored collective photo exhibitions : "Athletic might", "Beauty of Ukraine in focus".
He is a partner of national and international projects : "Children's dreams", "Georgian days in Ukraine", "Lithuanian days in Ukraine", "Czech days in Ukraine", III International Photo Salon "Panorama of my country", VII Festival of Photo Clubs of Ukraine, "Children's dreams".


I. Babii is the author of 6 Ukrainian patents: a light bar, an informative road pyramid, a device for viewing images on transparent carriers, matrix type product shelf, Sanbyuleten informative advertising poster.


  1. VarrIng. Catalog #1. [Kyiv: :uk:Видавець Остап Ханко|Publisher Ostap Khanko, 2014]. 64 p..
  2. VarrIng. Catalog #2: fine art collection photography. [2nd ed.] [Kyiv: Ridzhi, 2016]. 84 p..