Ichi the Killer (manga)

Ichi the Killer is a seinen manga series written and illustrated by Hideo Yamamoto. The series revolves around Ichi, a psychologically troubled killing machine, and his confrontation with the yakuza of Kabukichō, Shinjuku. The manga was serialized in the Shogakukan magazine Weekly Young Sunday from 1998 to 2001 and has been collected into ten tankōbon volumes in Japan.
In 2001, the manga was adapted into a live-action film directed by Takashi Miike. An anime original video animation titled Ichi the Killer: Episode 0 was produced by AIC and released in Japan in 2002. The OVA has been licensed for release in North America and the United Kingdom by Central Park Media and in Australia and New Zealand by Siren Visual. A second live-action film, 1-Ichi, was directed by Masahito Tanno and released in Japan in 2003.


Using Ichi as a tool, Jii-san plots to kill Anjougumi's Kumichou and steal his money. With Anjou's death, Anjou's top yakuza, Kakihara, sets out to find his Kumichou's murderer. While Kakihara searches for Ichi, Ichi effortlessly kills off remaining members of the Anjougumi. This continuous cycle of killing and searching leads the two closer together revealing Ichi's psychological manipulation and Kakihara's obsession of pain and torture. When the two finally meet, the two confront their deepest and suppressed desires resulting in Ichi's psychological recovery and Kakihara's demise.



The manga has been compiled into ten volumes by Shogakukan. There is also a prequel titled Ichi.


The manga has been adapted into a film of the same name directed by Takashi Miike and the prequel into a film called 1-Ichi by Masato Tanno.


The manga has also been adapted into an OAV called Koroshiya 1: The Animation Episode 0.


Reviewing the OAV, Theron Martin from Anime News Network felt that the story is "perfectly believable" and "convince the viewer that Ichi's lethal tendencies didn't come from nowhere" because it follows the "common elements you hear about in the backgrounds of true killers". He dismissed the "substandard animation" as problematic but praised the music of "heavy driving techno themes" that provide an "edgy mood and tone for the series".