Ibn al-Qabisi

Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi al-Wafa ibn Ahmad al-Adawi al-Mawsili known briefly as Ibn al-Qabaisi, was an Iraqi linguist and poet.


al-Qabisi was born in Qabaisa a village in Mosul in a family from Isfahan. He studied Arabic grammar under Makki ibn Zabban, and hadith and Qur'an from Nasrallah al-Wasiti. He was taught for a while in Erbil. He was known for his skills in Arabic linguistics. He died in Aleppo and buried there. Wrote three preludes on Arabic grammar, Morphology and arithmetic, also Al-Tatimat fi al-Tasrif and Al-Hadi fi al-I'irab 'Ila Turuq al-Sawab.