Ibn al-Jayyab

Ibn al-Jayyāb al-Gharnāṭī ; Abū al-Ḥasan ‘Alī b. Muḥammad b. Suleiman b. ‘Alī b. Suleiman b. Ḥassān al-Anṣārī al-Gharnāṭī ; Spanish var., Ibn al-Ŷayyab, ; he was an Andalusian writer, poet and minister from the Nasrid court of Granada Ansari, in modern-day Spain.
He was of Arab heritage descending from the Ansar tribe and was born in Granada, where he grew up and became involved with a group of distinguished scholars in that city. He later chaired the Writers Cabinet of Granada. He died of the Black Death plague in Granada.
His substantial legacy of poetry and prose was posthumously collated by his many students, among whom was Lisan al-Din ibn al-Khaṭīb, who succeeded him as vizier.
He wrote his qasidas in a neo-classical style, and some still decorate the walls of the summer palace of the Nasrid sultans, now the property of Generalife.