ITC Hotels

ITC Hotels is India's third largest hotel chain with over 100 hotels. It is based in the Hotels Division Headquarters at Kolkata, West Bengal. It is part of the ITC Limited group of companies. ITC Hotels is regularly voted amongst the best employers in Asia in the hospitality sector.


entered the hotel business on 18 October 1975 with the opening of a hotel in Chennai, which was renamed Hotel Chola. ITC Hotels has a reputation of playing host to visiting royalty and world leaders time and again.
The hotel chain works on a philosophy of "Responsible Luxury" and as a result, each hotel in the chain has a LEEDS Platinum rating.
Originally incorporated as Rama Hotels Pvt Ltd in 1972 and renamed Vishwarama Hotels in 1973. The Vazir Sultan Tobacco Co Ltd. bought Vishwarama Hotels in 1980-1981 and soon after, in 1982, the first luxury hotel for the new chain opened in Bangalore.
In 1984, ITC Ltd. bought the entire equity capital from VST. In 1985 the Indian government awarded the Hotel that would later become the ITC Gardenia a five star rating.
The company name was changed from ITC Ltd. to ITC Hotels in 1986.

ITC brands

The group today operates under several distinct brands: