IEEE Communications Society

The IEEE Communications Society promotes the advancement of science, technology and applications in communications and related disciplines. It fosters presentation and exchange of information among its members and the technical community throughout the world. The Society maintains a high standard of professionalism and technical competency. The IEEE Communications Society is a professional society of the IEEE.


The IEEE Communications Society sponsors several conferences every year such as the International Conference on Communications and Global Communications Conference, and operates over 200 local chapters around the world. It coordinates the operation of several councils, task forces, and technical committees, e.g. the Internet Technical Committee. The society participates in educational activities and in accreditation of higher education programs within its fields of interest. It operates about a dozen working groups and committees on the development of industrial standards.
in New York City


Founded in 1952 with the formation of IRE’s Professional Group on Communications Systems, IEEE Communications Society has evolved into a diverse group of global industry professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications technologies.

Membership and Member Grades


The Communications Society oversees the publication of scholarly magazines.
Additional Co-sponsored Magazines:
The Communications Society oversees the publication of scholarly journals.
Additional Co-sponsored Journals:
The Society sponsors several conferences and workshops, called portfolio events


Technical Committees

Through its awards program, the IEEE Communications Society recognizes contributions that advance the fields of interest of the Society.

Career Awards

Notable leaders of the IEEE Communication Society include Mischa Schwartz, Robert Lucky, Paul Green and Theodore Rappaport.