Huon astrapia

The Huon astrapia is a species of bird-of-paradise.
This little known bird-of-paradise is distributed and endemic to the mountain forests of Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. Its diet consists mainly of fruits and seeds.
The scientific name commemorates the British ornithologist Walter Rothschild.
A common species in its limited habitat range, the Huon astrapia is evaluated as least concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. It is listed on Appendix II of CITES.


The Huon astrapia is medium-sized, approximately 69 cm long. The male has black plumage with a glossy blue crown, dark olive-green back, an iridescent purple-green elongated nape feathers, and a very long and broad purplish black tail. The female is smaller than male, and has blackish-brown plumage with pale barring on its abdomen.