Humani (organisation)

Humani, or the Humanist Association of Northern Ireland, is a small independent local humanist group operating in Belfast. Its directors are Jenifer Sturgeon, Michael Steven and Stephen Caves. It was founded in 1964, and originally called the Belfast Humanist Group, then the Ulster Humanist Association until 2004/2005 before adopting its present name.
From 2007 until the 2010s, the group self-published the bi-monthly magazine Humanism Ireland, although this was later discontinued.
The overwhelming majority of humanist funerals, weddings, and namings in Northern Ireland are performed by celebrants from Northern Ireland Humanists, which enjoys legally recognised marriages. Outside of this, Humani celebrants perform a number of non-legal weddings each year, along with baby-namings and funerals.
Humani organises an annual Darwin Day Lecture and dinner in February and an all-Ireland Summer School at Carlingford in conjunction with the Humanist Association of Ireland, usually towards the end of August.