Human-dinosaur coexistence

The pseudoscientific and pseudohistorical notion that non-avian dinosaurs and humans coexisted at some time in the past or still coexist in the present is common among Young Earth creationists and other groups.
Mainstream science currently understands that all birds are dinosaurs that descended from feathered theropods. By this broad and more technical sense of the word, humanity has coexisted with dinosaurs since the first humans appeared on Earth. However, in a narrow and more colloquial sense, the term "dinosaur" refers specifically to non-avian dinosaurs, all of which died out in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction about 66 million years ago, while the genus Homo emerged only about 3 million years ago, leaving a period of tens of millions of years between the last dinosaurs and the first humans. This article refers to attempts that have been made to deny such timespan.

Mythological creatures

Some proponents claim that mythological reptiles such as dragons and the Behemoth are historical descriptions of dinosaurs.


Some hoaxes presented as historical depictions of dinosaurs, such as the Ica stones, have been produced.


commonly portrays non-avian dinosaurs with humans. Examples include The Flintstones, in which Stone Age humans have dinosaurs as pets and transportation, and the comic series The Cavern Clan, in which the protagonist is a caveman who hunts dinosaurs. The coexistence has been present in works of alternative history in which dinosaurs do not go extinct, such as the Pixar movie The Good Dinosaur.