Huehue Zaca

Huehue Zaca or Çaca, also Zacatzin, was a 15th-century Aztec noble, prince and a warrior who served as tlacateccatl under the ruler Moctezuma I, his brother. The name of Zaca is probably derived from Nahuatl zacatl, meaning "grass"; -tzin is an honorific or reverential suffix. Huehue is Nahuatl for "the elder", literally "old man".


Zaca was the fourth child of Emperor Huitzilihuitl. His mother was Princess Miyahuaxochtzin, the daughter of Tlacacuitlahuatzin, ruler of Tiliuhcan. He was the younger half-brother of Emperors Chimalpopoca and Moctezuma I. His other brother was prince Tlacaelel.
Moctezuma is said to have had Zaca executed for singing and beating his drum loudly.
Zaca had two sons: Tzontemoc, who served as tlacateccatl under Moctezuma's successors Axayacatl and Tizoc; and Huitzilatzin, who was installed by Axayacatl as the first ruler of Huitzilopochco, a city near Chalco whose inhabitants are said to have been cannibals prior to the imposition of Aztec government. A descendant of Zaca through his son Huitzilatzin, Hernando Huehue Cetochtzin, was taken along with many other indigenous nobles on conquistador Hernán Cortés's expedition to Honduras, during which he died.