Hudson Bay drainage basin

The Hudson Bay drainage basin is the drainage basin in northern North America where surface water empties into Hudson Bay and adjoining waters. Spanning an area of about, the basin is almost totally in Canada, with a small portion in the United States.  The watershed's connection to the Labrador Sea is at the Hudson Strait's mouth between Resolution Island in the Qikiqtaaluk Region and Cape Chidley on the Labrador Peninsula. The watershed's headwaters to the southwest are on the Continental Divide of the Americas, bounded at Triple Divide Peak to the south, and Snow Dome to the north.
The western and northern boundary of the watershed is the Arctic Divide, and the southern and eastern boundary is the Laurentian Divide.
Hudson Bay is often considered part of the Arctic Ocean. For example, the International Hydrographic Organization defines the Hudson Bay, with its outlet extending from 62.5 to 66.5 degrees north as being part of the Arctic Ocean, specifically "Arctic Ocean Subdivision 9.11." Other authorities include it with the Atlantic Ocean, in part because of its greater water budget connection.
The Hudson Bay drainage basin coincides almost completely with the former territory Rupert's Land, claimed by the Hudson's Bay Company in the 17th century, and an ideal area for the early fur trade in northern and central North America.