Huayu Enrichment Scholarship

The MOFA Huayu Enrichment Scholarship , is a competitively awarded international scholarship for studying the Mandarin language in Taiwan. The award is not limited to countries with diplomatic ties with Taiwan.
Huayu itself refers to the Standard register of the Mandarin language, also referred to as or.
According to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in San Francisco, the purpose of the HES is "The Ministry of Education in Taiwan provides the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship for foreign Mandarin/Chinese learners including beginners to study at any accredited Mandarin center at a university or college in Taiwan."
Huayu Scholars may study at any university or college-affiliated Mandarin training center. The scholarship may be awarded for a maximum of one year; although applications for shorter study periods of three, six and nine months are accepted.
Scholars receive a monthly maintenance stipend of NT$25,000 in order to cover accommodation and living expenses. Awards are distributed through the university or college which the recipient will be attending; the document states that no additional subsidy will be given.
The program also aims to: