Huachuca Mountains

The Huachuca Mountain range is part of the Sierra Vista Ranger District of the Coronado National Forest. The Huachuca Mountains are located in Cochise County, Arizona approximately south-southeast of Tucson and southwest of the city of Sierra Vista, Arizona. Included in this area is the highest peak in the Huachucas, Miller Peak, and the region of the Huachucas known as Canelo Hills in eastern Santa Cruz County. The mountains range in elevation from at the base to at the top of Miller Peak. The second highest peak in this range is Carr Peak, elevation. The Huachuca Mountain area is owned principally by the USDA Forest Service , the U.S. Army , and private land. Sierra Vista is the main population center.
The Huachuca Mountains were named by the Spanish for a Pima village that once existed to the north of the range near the present location of Elgin, Arizona.
The Coronado National Memorial is in the southeastern margin of the range near the international border. The range extends a short distance south of the border in Sonora, Mexico.


Vegetation in the Huachucas varies from Chihuahua whitethorn scrub and semi-desert mixed grass/mixed scrub, at the lower elevations, to Encinal mixed oak, and transitions to ponderosa pine and Apache pine at the highest elevations.

Climate data

The Huachucas present many hiking possibilities and scenic drives. Some entail narrow dirt roads with switchbacks and pull-outs. High summits, sheer cliffs, and deep canyons distinguish this rugged area of. Trails climb from all sides of the range to the Miller Peak Wilderness. Along the trails there are opportunities to see a number of rare butterflies of Arizona, as well as plants that are more commonly found in the Sierra Madre Occidental. Trails begin on the east side of Ash Canyon, Miller Canyon, Carr Canyon, and Ramsey Canyon Roads, from the south at Montezuma Pass in the Coronado National Memorial, and from the west via Oversite trail, Ida, Bear, and Sunnyside Canyons. The Crest Trail between Montezuma Pass and Fort Huachuca ties all of the trails together. There are some 50 trails altogether. These mountain trails are also a main migration route for illegal immigrants from Mexico The mountains include the type locality for a number of plant species collected by the Lemmons and named by Asa Gray.


This area is appreciated for its birdwatching opportunities including some Arizona specialties such as hummingbirds, trogons, and tyrant flycatchers, including some rare birds such as the blue-throated, white-eared, and berylline hummingbirds; also buff-breasted flycatchers; and black-throated gray, red-faced, and Grace's warblers; also red crossbills and numerous other bird species.
