House News

House News was a Hong Kong news website, content aggregator, and blog founded by Simon Lau, Tony Tsoi, Leung Man-tao, Simon Lau and Greg Sung, featuring columnists and various news sources. The site offers news, blogs, and original content, and covers politics, business, lifestyle, culture, nature, technology, media, and local news.The successor of House News is Stand News.



The site was launched on 6 July 2012, through Facebook, with the website going live on 28 July, in time for the successful protest against Hong Kong Moral and National Education the following day, which promoted Chinese political values and pro-Communist regime. On 28 August, the site launched an 'Election Dashboard' for the 2012 legislative elections.


On 26 July 2014, 17:06, an announcement written by the founder Tony Tsoi was posted on Facebook, indicating an instant cessation of services of the website and the site now simply displays a closure announcement. The reasons given for closure were: