Houghton Regis Academy

Houghton Regis Academy is a coeducational secondary school with academy status located in Houghton Regis in the English county of Bedfordshire.


This was previously a community middle school administered by Central Bedfordshire Council,known as Kings Houghton Middle School. It converted to academy status on 1 of September 2012 and was renamed Houghton Regis Academy. The school is sponsored by the Greenwood Dale Foundation Trust group of Academies.
From September 2013 the school began to change its age range, transitioning to become a secondary school. It would teach pupils in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 and eventually have a sixth form. As an academy it had to follow the UK National Curriculum and be subject to inspection from Ofsted. It would lose the hands on support of the Local Education Authority and rely on the services of the sponsor,
Greenwood Dale Foundation Trust. Greenwood has a local advisory board of governors but they have no delegated powers.


This is a very small 11-16 secondary school with significant excess capacity. The pupils are happy and feel safe and respect the staff for addressing potential bullying behaviour.
It first entered pupils for GCSE qualifications in summer 2016. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils known to be entitled to the pupil premium and those with Special Educational Need or Disablilities is above average. Those with an education, health and care plan is broadly in line with the national average. The transition from Middle School has not been easy and there has been significant staff turbulance. The principal in charge at the time of the previous inspection left in December 2018. Most pupils are from White British backgrounds.
Inspectors from Ofsted felt that in 2019, this was an 'inadequate school'.. At the subsequent monitoring visit in January 2020, they rejected the senior managements school assessment and recovery plan, and ask the Greenwood Trust to put in additional support and assistance.
Having considered all the evidence I am of the opinion that at this time:
Leaders and managers are not taking effective action towards the removal of special measures.
The trust’s statement of action is not fit for purpose.
The school’s action plan is not fit for purpose


There are 30 lessons of 50 mins a week. 2016 17 Curriculum breakdown.All pupils follow a broad range of subjects.
In years 7, 8 & 9 the week is broken down into: 5 lessons of English and Maths, 4 lessons of Science, 3 lessons of PE and then 2 lessons of History, Performing Arts and Spanish. Th ofere will be a single lesson Geography, ICT. Technology is taught on a rotation, each student will have a double lesson of two of these subjects per term; Art, Food Technology and Resistant Materials. This is the broad and balanced curriculum required for Key Stage 3.
In years 10 and 11 the Key Stage 4 curriculum includes a core of:6 lessons of Science, 5 lessons of English and Maths and 2 lessons of PE. In year 10 and 11 the remaining timetable consists of 3 lessons each from a subject chosen from each option blocks: