Hope Springs (TV series)

Hope Springs is a British television comedy-drama series following the lives of four female ex-cons in hiding following a multimillion-pound robbery. Produced by Shed Productions, the company behind Bad Girls, Footballers' Wives, and Waterloo Road, the 8-part series began airing on BBC One on 7 June 2009 and finished on 26 July 2009. After a single series, the BBC cancelled Hope Springs, because it "did not find its audience in the way that had hoped."


Production on the series began in summer 2008 in the village of Wanlockhead, situated in the Dumfries and Galloway region, an ideal location chosen for its beautiful and tranquil scenery to provide the perfect backdrop for the programme. The interior scenes to be featured have been shot at the BBC Scotland drama studios in Dumbarton.



The 8-part first series is set around the lives of Ellie Langden, Hannah Temple, Shoo Coggan and Josie Porritt – four sexy female ex-cons attempting to go straight. With the help of £3 million, stolen from Ellie's rich gangster husband Roy, they plan to head out to the sunny safety of Barbados to begin their new lives. However, when their long-thought-out plan goes wrong, they find themselves staying in the remote Scottish village of Hope Springs – a village set to change each of their lives forever.
The series ended with the text:



DVD release

The 3-disc DVD box set of Hope Springs was released in the UK on 27 July 2009, distributed by Acorn Media UK.