Hong Kong Railway Inspectorate

The Hong Kong Railway Inspectorate was formerly a small regulatory body within the Transport and Housing Bureau, responsible for overseeing the safe operation of railways in Hong Kong. In February 2008, it was absorbed into the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department as its Railways Branch, having always received substantial technical support, including most of its staff, from EMSD.
The HKRI oversaw the railway lines operated by the MTR Corporation and the automated people mover operated by the Airport Authority in the terminal building of the Hong Kong International Airport. It was earlier responsible for the railway lines operated by the former Kowloon–Canton Railway Corporation.
Its main functions were:
investigation of railway incidents
oversight of safety practices by the railway operators
assessment and approval of new railways and major modifications
assessment and follow up of improvement measures by railway operators.
The HKRI was established in 1990 and was attached to the
then Transport Branch of the Government Secretariat which is now the Transport and Housing Bureau. The HKRI consisted of nine staff.