Historic Centre of Trujillo

The Historic Centre of Trujillo is the main urban area and the most important center of development and unfolding in the Peruvian city of Trujillo located in La Libertad Region. The whole process of its original urban fabric is in elliptical shape surrounded by España Avenue that was built in the wake of the Wall of Trujillo. It houses the seat of city government and other important entities in the locality. In the center of this historic urban area is the Plaza de Armas of Trujillo that was the scene of the Spanish founded of the city in 1534 and the proclamation of the independence of Trujillo on December 29, 1820.
The historic centre of Trujillo contains numerous monuments dating from the Viceroyalty and Republican, was declared a Monumental City by municipal decree of April 23, 1971 and Monumental Area by Supreme Resolution No. 2900-72-ED of December 26, 1972, is also the largest urban center and characteristic of the city that maintains its dual status as historic centre and active center of the conglomerate metropolitan of Trujillo, according to the role that gives the Metropolitan Development Plan of Trujillo. The care and maintenance of the historic area of Trujillo is conducted by the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo, according to Law No. 23 853 of the Organic Law of Municipalities, which authorizes it to regulate, promote and ensure the conservation of Cultural Heritage of the city such as environments and historic buildings monuments.
The historic centre of Trujillo occupies approximately 133.5ha area and consists of a total of 1,783 lots, grouped in 72 blocks are located within the area that is also known as the "Enclosure of Trujillo" and originally was bounded by the wall of the city.
According to the census of 2005 the historic centre of Trujillo then had a population of about 12,000 inhabitants and is populated by various monuments including buildings predominate product of colonial and religious architecture prevailing during the viceroyalty era, as well as houses dating from the same era and the dawn of the republic whose hallmarks are its balconies and windows to fashion lace trellises.


Urban fabric

Martín de Estete began the stroke of the city of Trujillo on behalf of Diego de Almagro in December 1534. The original urban fabric of the historic centre of Trujillo has an elliptical structure formed by the España Avenue, in this structure the streets are wide and straight, and are arranged in a checkerboard that part of the Plaza de Armas of the city. Besides the urban area surrounded by España Avenue is also part of the monumental area of the historic centre the area comprising the Mansiche sports complex, the former railway station of Trujillo as well as the area occupied by the bullring in the city and areas of the parts that still remain of the Old Wall of Trujillo.

Ways of the historic centre

In the historic centre of Trujillo are characteristic of the architecture the typical balconies and barred windows that look buildings like viceroyalty mansions, city hall, etc.

Historic sites and monuments

The historic city centre is full of various monuments predominating buildings product of colonial and religious architecture prevailing during the viceroyalty era, as well as mansions dating from the same era and the beginning of the republic whose hallmarks are balconies and windows to fashion lace trellises. Among the major historical sites and monuments are the following:

Plaza de armas

The Plaza de Armas of Trujillo or Plaza Mayor of Trujillo, is the foundation of the city of Trujillo. It is the principal historic public space of the city. All around are the buildings of the Palace of the City Government, the Cathedral of Trujillo, the Archbishop of Trujillo, harmonious viceroyalty and republican mansions etc. The plaza de armas is surrounded by the jirón Pizarro, jirón Independencia, the jirón Orbegoso and the jirón Almagro. In the center stands the Freedom Monument, which represents the country's independence process and "as commentators represents the most precious of human beings, love of freedom, the recall and recognition to the distinguished men we got independence". The statue was a work in Germany, materials used are marble and copper, the sculptor was Edmund Moeller.

The Freedom Monument

Located in the center of the Plaza de armas of Trujillo and is work by sculptor Edmund Moeller and consists of three sections: the first is on a circular platform with pedestals, resting on a granite base, supporting the sculptures representing the art, the science, the trade and the health. The second consists of three robust statues. A statue of a man that snorts, the same that is crouched, symbolizing the oppression or slavery. A second statue's arms back, symbolizing the for freedom. The third statue is a man with arms raised and hands doing fist, symbolizing the liberation. Also in this body are follows plaques: one commemorating the proclamation of independence of Trujillo, by José Bernardo de Torre Tagle, on December 29, 1820. The second plaque commemorates the Battle of Junín and the third plaque commemorating the Battle of Ayacucho.

Churches and monasteries

The Historic Centre of Trujillo hosts Catholic churches built in the viceroyalty era.
Built between 1647 and 1666, its altars are Baroque and Rococo, its paintings belong to the Cuzco Paint School and the Quito School. The cathedral has the Cathedral Museum mainly religious works of the viceroyalty era in gold and silver. It is located in the Plaza de Armas of Trujillo in Orbegoso street.
Located a few blocks from the Plaza de Armas is with its coffee bar owned by the painter Gerardo Chávez, here it can find toys dating from the mid-20th century. It is located in the block of Jirón Independencia in one corner of the intersection with the Jirón Junín.
Set on the corner of Jirón Gamarra with Jirón Pizarro, is a traditional cultural center for excellence in Trujillo, here are art exhibitions and special ceremonies are performed in the central patio. It is housed in a restored mansion that was the scene of gestation of Independence of Trujillo by Torre Tagle in 1820, and is now owned by Banco Continental.
Another place that provide very culture is the College of Architects of La Libertad, located in the historic centre, the rooms of the seat of the school presented artwork by different authors, from time to time is changed the exposition with a new one.
Administered by the National University of Trujillo, the Museum of Zoology is one of the oldest in the city, it shows an interesting display of varied taxidermic fauna of the coast, highlands and jungle of Peru, each year the museum is one of the most visited in Trujillo, entrance fees vary for schools, universities and tourists. It is located in block 3 of the jirón San Martín.
Administered by the National University of Trujillo, the museum is mainly intended to show through seven rooms the historical process development on the north coast and particularly in the coastal valleys of La Libertad Region, since the arrival of the first inhabitants, 12,000 years ago, until the arrival of European conquistadors in 1532. Has been placed special emphasis on establishing a harmonious relationship between the museum and the existing architecture of the house, resulting in the design and distribution of exhibition modules, lighting systems, among others. Since 1939 the museum is giving the public the best shows of our local and national history, currently housed in the Casona Risco, on Jirón Junín 682.
, in the house where the most influential Trujillan political leader of 20th century and creator of a continent-wide philosophy
Administered by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Trujillo, the museum displays all the religious history of the city from colonial times to the present.
Administered by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru, located in the manson Urquiaga, exhibits a unique collection of coins from the beginnings of Peru to the present day, also keeps furniture and household equipment itself of colonial and republican, since from this manson Simón Bolívar led the government of the country.

Galleries and malls

Some of the places of entertainment for visitors in the historic centre of Trujillo are: