Hilltopper Sports Radio Network

The Hilltopper IMG Sports network, also known as the Big Red Radio Network, is the regional sports radio network for the Western Kentucky University's Hilltoppers and Lady Toppers. Headquartered in Bowling Green, Kentucky, the network provides coverage of WKU's athletic teams football, men's and women's basketball. Some select affiliates also clears WKU Men's Baseball games. The network boasts the second-largest radio network in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, behind only their main competitor, the UK IMG Sports Network.
WKYU-TV, the university-owned PBS affiliate, is the sole television affiliate that broadcasts WKU's televised coaches shows, along with some of WKU's sporting events, including those that originate from Sinclair Broadcasting-owned Stadium. In addition, some men's and women's basketball games are presented by WKYU with the Fox College Sports cablecast of the game, with the radio network's audio, broadcasting under the branding, "Hilltopper Sports Satellite Network."

Radio affiliates

City of license
AlbanyWANYAM 1390Men's basketball only
AlbanyWANY-FMFM 100.9Men's basketball only
Bowling GreenW261BDFM 100.1Men's basketball only; Low-power FM translator of WKLX
Bowling GreenW274BQFM 102.7FM translator of WWKU/Plum Springs
Brentwood, TN WNSRAM 560Football only
Brentwood, TN W240CAFM 95.9Low-power translator of WNSR; football only
Brownsville WKLXFM 100.7Network flagship for men's basketball
CampbellsvilleWTCOAM 1450
Cave City WHHTFM 103.7Network flagship for women's basketball
Drakesboro WNTCFM 103.9Football only
ElizabethtownWIELAM 1400
ElktonWEKTAM 1070Football only
FranklinWFKNAM 1220Also serves the Portland, Tennessee area
Glasgow WCDSAM 1230
Glasgow WPTQFM 105.3Network flagship for football
Henderson, KY WSONAM 690
HodgenvilleWLCBAM 1430
HopkinsvilleWHOPAM 1230Football only
HopkinsvilleW237BVFM 95.3Football only; FM translator of WHOP
Jamestown WJKYAM 1060Football only
Jamestown WJRSFM 104.9Football only
Jeffersonville, IN WXVWAM 1450Football only
MadisonvilleWTTLAM 1310-
MorgantownWWKNFM 99.1Full-time satellite of WKLX/Brownsville; Men's basketball only.
OwensboroWXCMFM 91.7
Plum SpringsWWKUAM 1450Network flagship for football and baseball
Smyrna, TNW300DOFM 107.9Low-powered FM translator of WNSR; football only
SomersetWTLOAM 1480Football only
Vine Grove WVKBFM 101.5

Former affiliates