High School Girls

High School Girls is a Japanese manga series, created by Towa Oshima, which was originally serialized in Futabasha's Weekly Manga Action magazine from 2001, and then subsequently Comic High! from 2004.
It was adapted in 2006 into an anime television series, entitled Joshikōsei Girl's High, which premiered in Japan on April 3, 2006 and completed its 12-episode run on June 19, 2006. It was produced by Genco, animated by ARMS, written by Hideki Shirane, and directed by Yoshitaka Fujimoto.
A Girl's High PlayStation 2 video game, Joshikōsei Game's High was made and released in late September, 2006.
The manga series was published in North America by DrMaster, whereas the anime was distributed across the region by Media Blasters, which released the series under the name Girl's High. The series premiered on Toku in the United States on January 2016.


Eriko and her friends Yuma and Ayano are excited about entering their first year of high school at Yamasaki Academy. Their excitement leads to their breaking of the rules when they toured the school before the opening ceremony. They find out their preconceptions about the school may not be as true as they had first thought. Despite that, Eriko and her friends are joined by new friends. They aim to get through high school life together.


Main characters

; Eriko Takahashi
; Yuma Suzuki
; Ayano Sato
; Akari Kouda
; Kyoko Himeji
; Ikue Ogawa

Supporting characters

; Yuichiro "Idol" Odagiri
; Root Hara
; Kamei
; Kaoru "Macho" Matsuo
; Hitler Iwato
; Takanori Shimotakatani
; Momoka Suzuki
; Fumino Sato
; Taeko "Choko" Sato
; Takeshi Kouda



;Opening theme: Kirameku performed by yozuca
;Ending theme: incl. performed by meg rock


English translations published by ComicsOne
English translations published by Dr. Master Productions Inc.