Heritage Academy (Columbia, Missouri)

Heritage Academy is a private, coeducational Christian school in Columbia, Missouri which employs the University-Model approach to education and is certified by the National Association of University-Model Schools.
The University-Model approach seeks to combine the strengths of the home with professional instruction. It also provides a larger community for students that may be unavailable in a purely homeschooling environment. Students at Heritage Academy attend classes on campus from one to three days each week. On the other days, they complete assignments under the supervision of a parent or parents.


Heritage Academy is a K–12 school with a Fall 2010 enrollment of 115. Students are grouped into three levels: Primary, Elementary and Secondary.


Athletic opportunities are provided for both boys and girls and typically involve basketball, soccer, and volleyball.


Currently, Heritage Academy is co-located with Higher Ground Church at 2900 Barberry Avenue, Columbia, MO 65202, although the school itself has no denominational affiliation.