Herbie, the Love Bug (TV series)

Herbie, the Love Bug is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from March 17 to April 14, 1982. It was produced by Walt Disney Productions and based on a series of films about Herbie, a white 1963 Volkswagen racing Beetle with a mind of its own.
The show was a five-episode mid-season replacement series. It was the last production to feature the titular automobile until 1997's television film The Love Bug. The show's theme song "Herbie, My Best Friend" was performed by its star, Dean Jones.


, who had appeared in two of the films, reprises his role of Jim Douglas, Herbie's original owner, now a retired race car driver who works as an instructor at the Famous Driving School with his partner Bo Phillips. He and Herbie stumble upon a bank robbery in progress. They manage to thwart the crime and rescue a young divorcée named Susan MacLane, who works at the bank and is a mother of three: Julie, Robbie and Matthew. Jim and Susan soon begin to fall in love, much to the consternation of her ex-boyfriend Randy Bigelow. Randy's attempts to break them up are in vain; Jim and Susan get married in "Herbie the Best Man" episode that aired on April 7.
