Henry Joseph Frendo is a professor of Modern History, teaching at the University of Malta since 1992. Frendo has previously worked with the UNHCR, and was stationed in Switzerland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Egypt and Papua New Guinea. His main areas of research and interest are related to history since 1798; related to imperialism, nationalism, decolonization, postcolonialism, journalism, migration and ethnicity - in Central and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and MENA. Other areas of his interest are languages, culture and statehood.
Selected publications
The European Mind: Narrative and Identity
Colonialismo e nazionalismo nel Mediterraneo. La lotta partitica a Malta durante l’occupazione inglese; tra assimilazione e resistenza
The Origins of Maltese Statehood: A Case Study of Decolonization in the Mediterranean
Malta: Culture and Identity
Party Politics in a Fortress Colony: The Maltese Experience
Chapters in book
‘The Influence of Religion on Maltese Society: Past and Present’, in M. Farrugia, Hide and Seek: Reflections on Faith and Culture in Dialogue
‘Is-Sette Giugno: Stat, Poplu u Vjolenza f’Malta’, in M.J.Schiavone & L.Callus, Inservi
‘Pressures on Assumed Identity at the Border’, in M. Petricioli, L’Europe mediterraneenne – Mediterranean Europe
‘I Doveri dell’Uomo: Mazzinian Influences on Maltese Nationalism under British Rule’, in S. Mercieca, Malta and Mazzini: Proceedings of History Week
‘Political Party Norms in European Law: The Case of Malta’ in Parteien im europaischen Vergleich, ed. Martin Morlock, Institut fur deutsches und europaisches Parteienrecht, Univ of Düsseldorf
‘The Ghost of Borg Pisani: Awaiting Redemption, Whose Traitor Was He?”
‘Imperial Fortresses and Native Peoples: the Gibraltar-Malta Nexus’
‘Problematiche Mediterranee’
‘Life during the “British” period: Strains of Maltese Europeanity’, in Malta: Roots of a Nation, 101-118.
‘Malte’, Les finances locales dans les dix pays aderant a l’Union europeenne en 2004, 231-246.
"Les Français à Malte, 1798-1800: réflexions sur une insurrection", in Bonaparte, les îls méditerrannéens et l'appel de l'Orient, 143-151
"L'Autonomie Locale Maltaise", in La democratie locale Nord-Sud: la Charte Europeenne de l'autonomie locale en action, 43-47
"Malta's ‘Coming Home': Edging Towards European Integration", in Christopher Pollaco, Malta-EEC Relations 1970-1990, i-v
"Language and Nationhood in the Maltese Experience: Some Comparative and Theoretical Approaches", in Collegium Melitense Quatercentenary Celebrations, 1592-1992, 439-470
"Plurality and Polarity: Early Italian Fascism in Maltese Colonial Politics", in Malta: A Case Study in International Cross-Currents, 227-240
"The Second World War: A Short Introduction to The Epic of Malta", in The Epic of Malta: A Pictorial Survey of Malta during the Second World War, i-vi
‘Malte, un Carrefour de cultures et de civilisations’, Les Rendez-Vous de l’Histoire, 27 lecons d’histoire
‘History and Citizenship in a European Experience’, Keynote speech, European Standing Conference of History Teachers Associations/Conference Permanente Europeenne des Associations de Professeurs d’Histoire, Dolmen Hotel, Malta, Mar. 2006, publication forthcoming in Clio, The Hague, 2006
‘I Doveri dell’Uomo: Mazzinian Influences on Maltese Nationalism under British Rule’
“Coexistence in Modernity: A Euromed Perspective”, The European Legacy, Oxford, vol.10, no.3, 2005, 161-177
“Czars, Knights and Republicans: The Malta Question in Paul I’s Time”, Storja 2004, 62-75
“Ports, Ships and Money: The Origins of Corporate Banking in Valletta”, Journal of Mediterranean Studies, Valletta, vol. 12, n. 2, 327-350
"The Naughty European Twins of Empire: The Constitutional Breakdown in Malta and Cyprus, 1930-1933, The European Legacy, Boston, iii, 1 , 45-52
"Everyday Life in ‘British' Malta", Storja 1998, 37-47
"The EU Feeling: Forward Movement Towards Greater Collaboration", European Union Newsletter, xxii, 12, 8-10
"Malte: un modele de la mediterranee europeenne", Technopolis Mediterranee, Paris, I, 40-41
"Intra-European Colonial Nationalism: The Case of Malta, 1922-1927", Melita Historica, xi, 1, 79-93
"Italy and Britain in Maltese Colonial Nationalism", History of European Ideas, Oxford, xv, 4-6, 733-739
"Maltese-German Relations, 1965-1990", in 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Malta and the Federal Republic of Germany (Special Supplement in The Sunday Times of Malta, Valletta, 1990], 2-4